Sheep Genetic Testing

Sheep Genetic Testing

Optimise your flock with genotyping. Identify crucial genetic characteristics to drive flock productivity, profitability and sustainability.

What you see is not always what you get. Genotyping technology can accurately assign Sire and Dam as well as identify important genetic characteristics that would otherwise go undetected, driving flock productivity, profitability and sustainability through industry-informed DNA analysis. The XytoVet 50K genotypes feed directly into the MLA Sheep Genetics database for analysis to provide industry-backed parent verification and genomic breeding values.

As the only wholly Australian-owned and operated livestock genotyping service, we have a unique understanding of the local sheep industry and are passionate about strengthening its genetic makeup. Discover how our DNA analysis services can help improve your flock.

Benefits to your sheep

Accurate parent verification is the easiest and most cost-effective way to improve flock performance. Genetic parent verification can help you make informed choices around the top and bottom contributors. As leading experts in the manipulation and analysis of DNA, our genotyping services can significantly impact your breeding and bloodstock selection.

  • Identify correct parental lineage
  • Accurate genomic evaluation and monitoring of major genes
  • Enhance breeder assignment and mating design
  • Improve flock performance

Enquire now


Sheep Parentage Testing

DNA technology is the only way to accurately determine a sheep’s true parentage without spending all night in a paddock during lambing. Every single animal carries two copies of each gene, one inherited from the dam and the other from the sire. Using our genotyping method, we can determine whether a specific dam or sire is the true biological parent or not.

Errors in parentage assignments have a year-on-year cumulative negative impact on your flock, with some DNA-based parentage tools found to be inaccurate as much as 80% of the time. At XytoVet we make use of multiple genetic markers for sheep parentage testing and sheep ovine genotyping.

Other applications associated with DNA testing include:

  • Confirmation of semen identity
  • Breeding and bloodstock registries
  • Multiple-sire mating
  • Parentage testing

Ovine Genotyping

At XytoVet, we use custom designed ThermoFisher Scientific 50K Ovine Genotyping Arrays for Ovine Genotyping.

These state-of-the-art arrays allow us to deal with a wide range of applications in Ovine breeding, including identifying parental lineage, accurate genomic evaluations and monitoring of major genes, breed assignment and mating design. The small array has 11,000 markers, which facilitate highly accurate imputation up to a higher density panel (e.g 50k), while the 50K array provides additional resolution where required.

Thermofisher’s arrays also allow for early detection of abnormalities, enabling the identification of animals that are not suitable as stud animals.


  • Expert design developed in collaboration with Donagh Berry at Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation centre.
  • High-quality SNPs, excellent call and concordance rates across platforms and laboratories.
  • Compatible with sheep consortium 15k arrays and with other previous studies.
Sheep Genetic Testing

Flock profile testing

Simple strategies can drive huge improvements in productivity. A great tool for commercial Merino producers, profile testing allows you to see how your flock is performing compared to the rest of the industry and evaluate your ram team’s genetic merit.

A flock profile test can give commercial Merino breeders an idea of how the genetics of a flock compare to the rest of the industry. This is done through a random sample of 20 animals to represent your flock. The data generated from this sample is then compared to Sheep Genetics’ data, and the results are expressed as ASBVs, benchmarked against the industry.


Get In Touch

Discover how DNA analysis of your flock can drive your farm’s productivity, profitability and sustainability. Get in touch with us to learn more about the genetic makeup of your livestock so you can make informed, strategic decisions about your operations going far into the future.

Submit your enquiry about Sheep DNA testing in Australia using the form below, and our friendly team will reach out as soon as possible.

Sheep Genetic Testing

About Us

We pride ourselves on conducting all of our operations, including our testing, in Australia. This avoids arduous international testing turnarounds and means we offer localised expertise and sheep industry knowledge.

  • The only 100% Australian-owned and operated DNA genotyping business
  • Over 30 years of industry experience in the Australian agricultural industry
  • Bespoke solutions to suit the needs of you and your cattle
  • Australian leaders in DNA technology and 100% onshore testing
  • Dedicated to our customers and sharing our knowledge with them

Discover more ways XytoVet can boost your breeding programs through our range of health diagnostics and analysis capabilities.

Our Process


Sample receival and lodging

The XytoVet lab receives your DNA sample and ensures it has been correctly collected.


DNA extraction and processing

The DNA is then carefully extracted from the sample and processed in our Australian labs.


Genotype data preparation

Each sample goes through a meticulous quality control check to ensure the integrity of our data.


Data analysis and reporting

The data is then sent to Sheep Genetics/AGBU for analysis. Parent verification and Poll analysis results are sent to you from the XytoVet team once they have been received.


Genomic results

You will need to upload your parent verification results to Sheep Genetics so the genomic results appear on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is sheep genotyping?

    The process of finding differences in the genetic makeup of individual sheep within their DNA sequences is called genotyping.

    DNA is mapped by finding the combination of single nucleotides that make up the DNA or the genome. The genome is the complete map of the individual’s DNA. These single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) show the differences between your sheep across the genome. At each SNP there are two alleles, one from each parent, which indicate differences between sheep.

    You can learn more about sheep genotyping on the Sheep Genetics website or get in touch with our team.

  • What are Australian Sheep Breeding Values?
  • Which breeds can utilise genotyping?
  • How do I use DNA analysis when buying rams?
  • What is an SNP?
  • What is Single Step Analysis
  • What is DNA?
  • What is 50K Genomic Analysis?
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